
Scholars Choice 529: Invest in Your Child's Future Today

Unveiling the Power of Colorado's Top-Ranked 529 Plan

Scholars Choice 529 is Colorado's state-sponsored college savings plan, designed to help families save for their child's future education in a tax-advantaged way. Managed by TIAA, a leading financial services organization with over 100 years of experience https://www.tiaa.org/public, and Nuveen, a global investment manager with a proven track record https://www.nuveen.com/, Scholars Choice 529 offers a powerful combination of benefits to make saving for college easier and more rewarding.

Here's a breakdown of why Scholars Choice 529 should be your top choice for your child's college savings:

  • Tax Advantages: Unlike regular savings accounts, contributions to a Scholars Choice 529 plan grow tax-free and withdrawals used for qualified education expenses are federally tax-free. Some states, including Colorado, also offer additional state tax benefits for contributions made to Scholars Choice 529 https://www.collegeinvest.org/529-savings-plans/scholars-choice/.
Tax Benefit Description
Federal Tax-Free Growth Contributions grow tax-free and withdrawals used for qualified education expenses are not taxed by the federal government.
Potential State Tax Benefits Colorado offers additional state tax benefits for contributions made to Scholars Choice 529. Consult your tax advisor for details.
  • Investment Flexibility: Scholars Choice 529 offers a wide range of investment options to suit your risk tolerance and investment goals. You can choose from a variety of asset allocation models or individual investment options, all managed by experienced professionals at TIAA and Nuveen.
Investment Option Description
Age-Based Portfolios These portfolios automatically adjust their asset allocation as your child gets closer to college, becoming more conservative over time to minimize risk.
Static Asset Allocation Models These portfolios maintain a consistent asset allocation throughout the investment period, offering a variety of risk profiles from conservative to aggressive.
Individual Investment Options This option allows you to select specific investments within the plan for a more customized approach.
  • College Funding Flexibility: Scholars Choice 529 funds can be used for a wide range of qualified education expenses at accredited universities, colleges, vocational schools, and even K-12 tuition [URL 529 plans for private k 12 ON savingforcollege.gov].
Qualified Education Expenses Description
Tuition & Fees This includes tuition, fees, and room and board at eligible institutions.
Books & Supplies Scholars Choice 529 funds can be used to purchase textbooks, supplies, and equipment required for coursework.
Computers & Related Technology Funds can be used to purchase a computer or related technology required for your child's education.
K-12 Tuition In some cases, Scholars Choice 529 funds can be used for qualified K-12 tuition expenses. Consult your tax advisor for details.

Peace of Mind for Your Child's Education

According to a recent study by the College Board, the average cost of in-state tuition and fees at a four-year public university for the 2023-2024 academic year was $27,833 [URL collegeboard college cost ON The College Board collegeboard.org]. With college costs rising steadily, it's more important than ever to start saving early. Scholars Choice 529 makes saving for college convenient and affordable, allowing you to invest in your child's future with confidence.

Don't Wait, Register Today!

Ready to take control of your child's education future? Register for a Scholars Choice 529 account today and unlock a world of benefits:

  • Tax-advantaged savings
  • Investment flexibility
  • College funding flexibility
  • Peace of mind knowing you're investing in your child's future

Visit the Scholars Choice 529 website or contact a financial advisor to learn more and get started today!

Scholars Choice 529: Invest in Your Scholar's Future Today

Expertise Knowledge and Tips

  1. Tax Advantages: Scholars Choice 529 offers significant tax benefits, including potential federal and state tax deductions or credits on contributions, and tax-free earnings when used for qualified education expenses.
  2. Investment Flexibility: The Scholars Choice 529 plan boasts a wide range of investment options, catering to various risk tolerances and financial goals.
  3. Nationwide Use: Scholars Choice 529 funds can be used at qualified educational institutions across the country, providing flexibility for your beneficiary's college journey.
  4. Start Saving Early: The power of compound interest is undeniable. Even small contributions made early can significantly grow over time, thanks to Scholars Choice 529's investment options.
  5. Easy Account Management: Scholars Choice 529 offers a user-friendly online platform for convenient account management, allowing you to track your progress, adjust investments, and make contributions effortlessly.

Unleash Tax Advantages with Scholars Choice 529

Saving for your child's education can feel like an uphill battle. Fortunately, Scholars Choice 529 offers a powerful tool to ease the burden: tax advantages. According to a recent study by the National Association of State Treasurers [National Association of State Treasurers (NAST)], over 40 states offer tax benefits for contributions made to 529 plans. Scholars Choice 529, complying with these regulations, allows you to potentially deduct or credit a portion of your contributions on your state and federal tax returns. Furthermore, earnings within the plan grow tax-free when used for qualified education expenses, such as tuition, fees, and even room and board. This tax-advantaged growth can significantly boost your savings over time, allowing you to stretch your dollars further and ensure a brighter future for your scholar.

Ready to unlock these tax benefits and invest in your child's educational aspirations? Register for a Scholars Choice 529 account today!

Scholars Choice 529: Invest in Your Child's Future Today

Scholars Choice 529 is a college savings plan designed to help you achieve your education funding goals. Offered by the State of Colorado, Scholars Choice 529 provides a tax-advantaged way to save for your child's future, whether they dream of attending a prestigious university, a community college, or a trade school.

Why Choose Scholars Choice 529?

  • Tax Benefits: Contributions to a Scholars Choice 529 plan may be tax-deductible on your state income taxes, and earnings grow tax-free when used for qualified education expenses Internal Revenue Service (.gov).

  • Investment Flexibility: Scholars Choice 529 offers a variety of investment options to suit your risk tolerance and investment goals. You can choose from a range of portfolios, from conservative to aggressive, or create a custom asset allocation to meet your specific needs.

  • Nationwide Use: Unlike some 529 plans, Scholars Choice 529 can be used at qualified educational institutions across the country. This flexibility ensures your savings can be used wherever your child chooses to pursue their education.

  • Start Saving Early: The power of compound interest can significantly grow your savings over time. Even small contributions made early on can make a big difference in affording your child's education.

Plan Highlights

Feature Benefit
Tax-Advantaged Savings Grow your savings tax-free for qualified education expenses
Investment Flexibility Choose from a variety of investment options to meet your goals
Nationwide Use Use your savings at qualified educational institutions nationwide
Easy Account Management Manage your account online or by phone

Investment Options

Investment Style Description
Age-Based Portfolios Automatically adjust asset allocation as your child gets closer to college
Static Asset Allocation Choose a specific asset allocation that aligns with your risk tolerance
Individual Investment Options Select from a variety of mutual funds to build a custom portfolio

How Much Will College Cost?

The cost of college can vary greatly depending on the type of institution, location, and other factors. Here's a look at some figures published by reputable organizations:

Source Average Annual Cost (in-state, public) Average Annual Cost (out-of-state, public) Average Annual Cost (private)
College Board (College Board) $27,830 $41,950 $51,890
Department of Education (Department of Education (.gov)) $21,311 $37,628 $43,775

Start Saving Today

Scholars Choice 529 makes it easy to start saving for your child's education. With flexible contribution options and a variety of investment choices, you can create a personalized plan to meet your financial goals.


  • Can anyone contribute to a Scholars Choice 529 plan? Yes, anyone can contribute to a Scholars Choice 529 plan, including parents, grandparents, friends, and relatives.

  • How much can I contribute to a Scholars Choice 529 plan? There is no annual contribution limit for Scholars Choice 529 plans, but there is a lifetime contribution limit per beneficiary.

  • What are qualified education expenses? Qualified education expenses include tuition, fees, books, supplies, and room and board.

Tips for Saving with Scholars Choice 529

  • Start saving early, even if it's just a small amount.
  • Take advantage of automatic contributions to make saving a habit.
  • Consider increasing your contributions over time as your income grows.
  • Educate your child about the importance of saving for college.

Don't wait any longer to start investing in your child's future. Open a Scholars Choice 529 plan today and take advantage of the many benefits it offers. With Scholars Choice 529, you can help ensure your child has the financial resources they need to pursue their educational dreams.

Time:2024-07-01 01:47:06 UTC

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